This domain is not affiliated with the the New York State Thruway Authority


The Governor Malcolm Wilson
Tappan Zee Bridge

The Tappan Zee Bridge is one of the largest bridges in the United States, the three-mile-long Governor Malcolm Wilson Tappan Zee Bridge carries the New York Thruway's mainline across the historic Tappan Zee Section of the Hudson River, about 13 miles north of New York City.

Did you know. Over 132,000 vehicles cross the 3.1-mile Tappan Zee Bridge every day, with volumes as high as 165,000 vehicles daily. When the bridge opened in 1955, it carried an average of 18,000 vehicles daily. 

Would you believe that large trucks account for just 4 percent of total bridge traffic. Nearly 90 percent of bridge traffic is comprised of single-occupant passenger cars. 

In pre-colonial days, this area was the home of the Tappan tribe of Indians; �zee� (sea) is the Dutch name for open expanse of water.

The Tappan Zee Bridge was opened on December 15, 1955. First test borings were sunk in June 1951 and actual construction began in March 1952. The structure and approaches cost approximately $80.8 million.

An Act approved by the Legislature and signed by the Governor on February 28, 1956, officially named the structure the �Tappan Zee Bridge.�  In 1994, the bridge was rededicated as the Governor Malcolm Wilson Tappan Zee Bridge in honor of the former New York Governor.

From economic and engineering viewpoints, the bridge is the key structure on the 641-mile cross-state Thruway System. The bridge connects two important parts of the Empire State - Westchester and Rockland counties - which previously were linked only by ferry.

This domain is not affiliated with the the New York State Thruway Authority

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